“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.”

— Pablo Picasso

Primary Objectives


The primary objective of the group is to help members in the following ways:

  • Provide business referrals or introductions whenever possible.

  • Offer professional expertise to fellow members.

  • Be a thought leader and share expertise and key insights during meetings for the benefit of all members.

  • Be a contributing member to at least one committee or the leadership group.

  • Be active on social media highlighting and boosting fellow member’s presence.

Group Structure


Members will have exclusivity to their specific industry.

  • The group will have the following leadership positions:

    • 2 Chairpersons

    • Treasurer

    • 2 Secretaries 

  • The Chairpersons will be responsible for approving meeting agendas, approving Membership Committee proposals for membership, managing the overall direction of the group, and leading the meetings.

  • The leadership positions will be voted on annually by the full membership. Names can be submitted for consideration via self-nomination or via recommendations by other members.

  • The Treasurer will maintain group funds.

    • The Secretaries will share responsibilities to prepare and maintain notes for each meeting. 

    • Secretary will be responsible for assigning the monthly one-on-ones.

The group will consist of the following committees to balance roles and responsibilities to be fulfilled by its members.

  • Membership committee (minimum of 3 members) – identify potential new members and review requests for membership before submitting to the entire group for approval.  Enforces the 75% attendance expectation. 

  • Agenda committee (minimum of 3 members) – gather input on relevant topics and develop agendas for each meeting.

  • Marketing committee – promote the activities of the group

  • Each member will contribute $50 annually as a commitment to being a part of the group.  The funds will be used to reward active members, and to better the community.   

  • Each member will be assigned a one-on-one each month with a fellow member.  The Secretaries will assign the pairings for each pairing for each one-on-one meeting to occur monthly.  The Membership will review the completion of one-on-ones each month.



A set time, duration, and location will be established for meetings.

  • Each meeting will occur from 8:00 - 9:00 am.

  • Meeting location will change from time-to-time based on the interests of the group. 

  • Meetings will occur every two weeks.

  • Members will describe their business and will more specifically define what an ideal referral is from their perspective.

  • Referral/introduction success stories will be a part of every meeting.

  • Each meeting will include time to acknowledge referrals and introductions provided by fellow members. 

  • A minimum of 75% attendance at meetings is expected and will be enforced by the Membership committee.  Once a member is either absent 25% of the time within a six-month duration or considered to be a non-contributing member to the group.  A discussion will be initiated by Membership committee to ascertain commitment level.



It is vital that we respect each person in the group.

  • When interacting with each other, we will be considerate of others.

  • Use of cell phones and laptop computers during meetings should be kept to a minimum.

  • We will respect each other’s background, culture, and beliefs.

  • Everything officers and committees do will be in the best interests of the group, and they will exert their best effort to fulfill their respective roles and responsibilities.

  • Members are expected to be regular contributors to meeting discussions and group activities outside of meetings.

  • Confidentiality, when warranted, will be preserved by all group members regarding subject matter discussed during meetings.



The success of the group will be based on strong communication occurring among group members

  • All members will reply to messages from other members within 24 hours whenever possible.

  • Detailed information will be sent by email, and each member is expected to promptly and thoroughly review each email

  • Members are encouraged to share information openly and in doing so request confidentiality outside of the group when necessary.

  • Members should feel comfortable expressing candid comments during meetings. If they are more comfortable, they may submit an anonymous note to a Chairperson that can then be addressed at the following meeting if necessary. 

  • A website can be developed and maintained to aid in providing communications to the entire group.

  • Members should interact with social media posts by other members.

  • Members should acknowledge and contribute to member listings on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, and other services/social media platforms.

Continuous Improvement


On a quarterly basis, a Chairperson will lead a discussion to address the effectiveness and productivity of the group. Questions to be addressed include:

  • What are additional ways in which we can help one another beyond direct referrals?

  • What worked well regarding group meetings?

  • What can be improved during the upcoming quarter?